segunda-feira, junho 05, 2006

The Negotiator Magazine - Junho de 2006

Negociação e Mediação

Hunting for Deception in Mediation – Winning Cases by Understanding Body Language
by Jeffrey Krivis and Mariam Zadeh

Já falámos aqui sobre a importância da formação de mediadores em técnicas de Negociação (integrativa e distributiva) e da necessidade da compreensão que estes devem ter do comportamento em negociação dos mediados. Este interessante artigo publicado no Negotiator Magazine permite-nos reflectir sobre uma das principais causas de insucesso da mediação: a utilização do engano, da fraude, do embuste pelos negociadores.

"Deception … A Reality of Mediation
Although few will admit to it, there is no doubt that deception plays an active role in mediation between both sides and their communications with the mediator. This is because every negotiator wants to leave the negotiating table believing that he or she obtained the best possible result for his or her client. Most believe that to accomplish this goal, some form of deceit is required. Some may give deceit in this context a more politically correct name, such as “aggressive bargaining” or “zealous advocating”. We, on the other hand, will refrain from sugar-coating what transpires in mediation every day, and will call it as it is: deception. Yes, we said it. The “D” word. We’ve all used it as negotiators and we’re here to highlight ways of detecting it when it’s used against you.

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